Bagsidetekst: |
Addietive is "herentfy se" •deccptive, yet a
that con be to oddict
as well as to the oddict's farnay me+rs.
Abnormal think•ng in oddiOion was originany by mem•
well as their family members are «zsi!y seduced by the
it Can
In Add.c'ive Thinking, author Abraham Twerski reveols '-vov self•
ety recovering individLpal_ This hrnely revision oi the original
classic inclodes updated information and on depression
ond ailective disorders, the relationship between addicfive thinking
ond OF
Addictive Thinking offers hope to those seeking o healthy ond
rewarding life in recovery.
Dr Twerski is fmjnder and medical director Of Gateway
Rehabilitation Center in p.'tsburgh, Pennsylvania A rabbi, psychia
trist, and dependency he is author Of numer•
ous iournal artic\es and bcoks, including Self Disccweo,' in Recovery;
/ Didn't Ask Io Be in This Family: Sibling Relationships and How
They Shape Aduh Behavior and Dependencies; ond, with "Peanuts"
carfoonist Charles Schulz, When Do the Gcx»d Things Start?
Order No. 5688