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America•s Most Trusted Swrce Of
Acclaim for Jean Carper
-Jean is one Of the most reliable authorities on
natural means. I recommend her books to my patients and students. •
—Andrew T. Wen. M.D„ author. EVIt Weeks to
•,Miræle Cures will give herbal medicine a major boost in the
Jean Carper has mastered the art Of reporting important but relativery obscu
tific research on herbs in an engaging, readable style."
—Mark Blunwnthal, executive
-Stop Aging NOW' is provocative. lively. well•written Stop Aging
m.hlic•s education about nutrition. disease, and
—Robert Butler. M.D.. chairman, Department Of
Mount Slnai
-Jean Carper's book Food—Your Miracle Medicine is a manifesto for a
mainstream medicine that is happening now. She says quite accuratety that
on in
can use food and other nutraceuticals to stop disease. and that they can be equ
or more effective than common drugs. as well as cheaper and safer.-
DeFeuce, chairman, for in Medicuw
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