Bagsidetekst: |
Aren't Christianity and psychiatry like
Oil and water?
avistianity psychi*ry mil?
In Christian psychiatry. Drs _ Frank Mi nirth and Walter Byrd
tha tik tuo are Compatible but also inseparable in &aling
with problems mind. nr•y a uniqtR to
Christian that treas tir " CMnbining
*ysical. psychological. und spiritual
Christian Psychiatry (flets practical , workable soluti«ns thx
recognize role in tir Inling This revised edition
vrov&s up—to-dae information insight on Sikh current topics
as PMS. tmllirnia, stress, A"itional topics
addressed inclu&:
• How the Bible relaes to psych»logy
• An intensive discussioh tik tyrs
disorders and available
• TIE latest de&elopnrnts in tir held psychixry
ing. amd medication
Whether you • re a a fim]
this an imiisrnsable. valuable resource for helping those suffering
frorn em«ional and "Ental disorders reahty with FEtical,
gcxily solutions _
Frank B. Minirth, M. D. , president and foun&r Minirth-
Meier Clinic. has written rrxre than a doæn tn»ks. He as
cotost Of several radio television including "The
Minirth-Meier Clinic." Wilter Byrd, M.D. , greves as Medical
Director at Minirth7Meier-Byrd Psychiäric Clinic in Fairåx.
ISBN 0-6007-sase-b