Bagsidetekst: |
The Complete
vision board is a powerful tool
that anyone can use to shape
an ideal future through the pow•
er Of intention and visualization.
Learning how to vividly imagine
your desired results—attracting
your perfect soul mate. radiant
health, abundant career oppor•
tunities, or building personal and
community relationships to givc
back—is the first step on the patm
to making them haplRn. Break
throuüh unconscious, limiting
belicfs and get ready to transform
your future n0W. If you Can cnvi•
Sion it. you'rc halfway there!
• book
• DVD (45 minutes)
• blank paper
• inspirational words
& images
Vision Board includes John Assarafs DVD,
Secrct 10 Btst Year Ever, plus his latest book, Vision Board Booke
which walks you through the entirc process Of creating and properly
utilizing a vision board. use the included blank vision board and
glossy sheet Of inspiring images and words to get you started, or go
online with a free 14-day trial Of John Assarafs Virtual Vision Board
and expand your future even more!
John Assaraf is author Of the York' Times bestseller
Hat'i'lgl lt Ail and coauthor Of The Answui She was
prominently ieatured in the hit film and book Sevret.
Over the past twenty years, he has used the tools in
this kit to help people all over the world to achieve
their goals and realize their dreams, As cofounder Of
OneCoach, the world' fastest-growing provider Of services, hc has dedicatcd his
life to showing people how to use the power Of their
mind to achieve whatever they choose.