Bagsidetekst |
Adnan Oktar. who Mites
under the pen•narne
Yahya. wos ban
Ankara in 1950. SÜ--ce the
the authot has
pubhshed many books
on fodh«elated. scientific and pobtical
He is well•known as the author Of mportant
works disc bSing the imposture Of evolutionists.
their clairns. and the dark liaisons be•
tween Darwinism and such bloody ideologi es
as fascgn ond communigm.
AS OI the author•s Share one single god:
to CCT'vey the Quran•s message encourage
readers to consider basic faith-retated issues
such as Allahs existence and unity and the
Hereaffer to expose ÉreIigiOuS systems
teeble foundations and perverted ideologi es.
HB than 300 translated htO 73 dif-
terent languages, enjoy a Wide readership
OCtOSS the World.
BV the Will ot Alm. the books Of Harun Yahya
be a rmeans through which people in the
twentvfirSt centl_ry wiu attain the peace. jus-
tice. cmd happineSS promised in the Qu ran.
The book you are holding uses
incontrovertible scientific evidence
to prove that Darwinism iS a fraud
and it shows. again with
incontrovertible evidence, that
more than 450 mi"ion fossils
completely refute evolution and
declares to the entite world that not
even a single protein can evet
come u•lto being by chance. This
exposes the mendacity and
the audacity Of the Darwinist
dictatorship that has imposed the
theory Of evolution on the world
using false evidence. It contains the
scienMiC evidence that retutes
Darwinism. will no
longer gain the Darwinists anything.
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