Bagsidetekst |
Videnscenter om Epilepsi
Edited by
Torbjörn Tomson, Lennart Gram. Matti Sillanpää and
Svein I. Johannessen
To form a tamily and have children is a fundarnental Ot normal
hfe. but for the woman With epilepsy pregnancy 's especiafty
compkcated. potentially threatening her own and ner
The threats to the tetus indude the seizures tiwnsetves, antiepi'eptic
drugs, many o' Which are highly teratogenic causing malformauons
and developmental abnormalities. and the risk Of inheriting parental
epilepsy. In the woman. even With previousty weli-contro"ed epilepsy,
there is an increased risk Ot obstetric compiications. and
phySiObgicaI Changes during pregnancy, labour and delivery Can
increase seizure trequency
Epilepsy and Pregnancy CÄS comprehmsively with these
related issues, such as prenatal screening and diagnosis Of
abnormalities. prepregnancy counselling. effects Of vitamin
supplementation. antiepileptic therapy and breast teeding, the
teratogenic potential ot recently developed drugs, and genetic
analysis Of the aetiologies and mechanisms OI epilepsy. The authors
discuss the 'atest findings from research and Offer practical adwce for
the clinical management ol these patients for whom a delicate
balance must be weighed between the need to control seizures in the
mother agaitBt the potential risks to the developing child.
Petersf,eld. UK anstol. PA, USA
ISBN 1 % x
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Formentlig dansk, se billeder |