Bagsidetekst |
Super Accelerated Living will give you
the tools to radically upgrade your life.
•Illis advanced yet practical guide details the next phase Of manifes-
tation for already highly empowem•d seekers. Where many are finding
plateaus and paradokes, this book provides a broader perspective that
demystifies the mechanics of manifestation. Ilow do you remain
unswayed yet flexible? Excited yet relaxed? Determined yet free front
attachment to outcome—especially When desired results still
distant? In this biKOk, Bentinho Mass-aro clearly guides you through the
mental challenges that appear just before a desire is about to manifest.
I e•arn to maintain your fn•quency and effortlessly attract the
experiences you seek. Super Accelerated Living helps you live these
concepts, not just understand them.
Bentinho Massaro
the leading synthesizer of enlight-
enment and empowerment teach-
ings from many sources, current
and historical, offering a fresh and
laser-like distillation of these teach-
ings. Since his early enlightenment
experiences as a teenager, Bentinho
has been riding the waves of an
intensely awakened life. Ile started
teaching at age 18 and today is
internationally recognized, holding
retreats in major US and European
cities. Bentinho is the creator of
'IViniinityAcademy.ü'm, a free online school with step-by-step
and lessons designed to lead people to profound peace, stability,
freedom, and fulfillment within
themselves. Ile also founded
"II-infinity Corp„ an ambitious or•
ganization dedicated to
ing an Enlightened Civilization
by 2035.
1 seN 978-0-692-805 30-5
9 780692